22 January 2025

DM is a major player across the marketing media of post, phone, mobile, email and internet.

Customer Recruitment Division - Designs, promotes and distributes a proprietary range of response orientated online and telephone surveys. This brings new customers which are added to the Groups’ database where they are profitably communicated with.

Database Management Division - Our response driven database of over 20 million customers, which is the largest response database in the UK in our market sector has been combined the one of the largest lifestyle databases in the UK giving us unparalleled access to telephone and email data.

DM plc Announcements by Adrian Williams
DM plc Results and Summary from Adrian Williams (Chairman)
DM plc Board of Directors - Adrian John Williams (biography), Mark Winter (biography)

DM plc group companies registration details

DM plc In The News

DM plc - Advisers

DM plc - Group Trademarks

Reg No: 04020844 Chairman, Adrian John Williams